Marching Forward with What’s Wrong

What: March ACS GatheringScreen Shot 2016-02-29 at 5.02.24 PM.png

What’s Wrong With The World

Part IV ~ Education: Or the Mistake About The Child

Chapter IV ~ The Truth About Education

Chapter V ~ An Evil Cry

Chapter VI ~ Authority The Unavoidable

When: Thursday, March 3rd, 7 o’clock PM

Where: Smith’s of Cohoes

Why: Because there’s lots wrong with the world… and because we’re here… and because knowing what’s wrong helps us live in the world and try to fix what’s wrong… for ourselves and for the ones we love and for our neighbors.

Who: Anyone who wants to know what’s wrong with the world. Also, anyone who loves Chesterton (or Tolkein, or C.S. Lewis, or… books). Also, anyone who is seeking intellectual medicine and mirth. Also, anyone who enjoys civilized and good-humored company. Also, anyone who doesn’t know they want, need, or enjoy any of the above, but YOU know they need it and would benefit… yeah… bring them.



February & the Child

Dear friends,

After a calendrical blip in January (no ACS meeting), we hope you will join us on Thursday, 7PM February 4th at Smith’s for our next gathering. We will be making the leap into Part Four of What’s Wrong With The World, chapters I, II, and III.

As always, we invite all active or potential Chestertonians regardless of shape, size, stripe or experience. In other words, if you’ve been keeping tabs via facebook, email or this humble website but have yet to make the corporeal leap (or drive) to Cohoes, please come! Chesterton has an uncanny knack for creating friendships.

Not only that, but WWWTW lends itself nicely to a mid-book entrance, so don’t stay away just because we’re in the middle of a reading selection.  You may just discover what us ACS regulars already know – which is that good company, good food and drink, and Chesterton really do help to combat the dreariness of winter and to gird against the inhospitable chaos of our post-Christian habitat. ;)

Cheers, Merry Christmas and blessings in the year to come,

Albany Chesterton Society


The Wise Men

Step softly, under snow or rain,
To find the place where men can pray;
The way is all so very plain
That we may lose the way.

Oh, we have learnt to peer and pore
On tortured puzzles from our youth,
We know all labyrinthine lore,
We are the three wise men of yore,
And we know all things but the truth.

We have gone round and round the hill
And lost the wood among the trees,
And learnt long names for every ill,
And served the mad gods, naming still
The furies the Eumenides.

The gods of violence took the veil
Of vision and philosophy,
The Serpent that brought all men bale,
He bites his own accursed tail,
And calls himself Eternity.

Go humbly…it has hailed and snowed…
With voices low and lanterns lit;
So very simple is the road,
That we may stray from it.

The world grows terrible and white,
And blinding white the breaking day;
We walk bewildered in the light,
For something is too large for sight,
And something much too plain to say.

The Child that was ere worlds begun
(…We need but walk a little way,
We need but see a latch undone…)
The Child that played with moon and sun
Is playing with a little hay.

The house from which the heavens are fed,
The old strange house that is our own,
Where trick of words are never said,
And Mercy is as plain as bread,
And Honour is as hard as stone.

Go humbly, humble are the skies,
And low and large and fierce the Star;
So very near the Manger lies
That we may travel far.

Hark! Laughter like a lion wakes
To roar to the resounding plain.
And the whole heaven shouts and shakes,
For God Himself is born again,
And we are little children walking
Through the snow and rain.

December *Contra What is Wrong*

Announcing our final gathering of the year, to coincide with the final three essays of section III of What’s Wrong With The World.

We shall convene on Thursday, December 3rd, at our clubhouse, Smith’s of Cohoes, at 7 o’clock in the evening, for a conversation on essays X, XI, and XII of Feminism, or the Mistake About Woman:




Whether we’ve seen you regularly since our little group began, or just once, or never before; whether you’ve kept up with every chapter, or find yourself jumping in mid-stream to WWWTW, all are welcome! Conversation and ideas, civility and good company are an antidote to the isolation, banality and noise of this busy season.  Chesterton is like medicine. Join us and be refreshed!

July with Gilbert and Friends

Join us for our July gathering on Thursday, 7/2, at Smith’s.  We will be discussing Chapters 10, 11 and 12 of What’s Wrong With the World.

Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning, pop in on occasion, or have not yet experienced the delight of an Albany Chesterton Society get-together, we hope to see you there!  Since our founding in 2012, Chesterton’s charm and wisdom have given us great literary enjoyment, but – more importantly – the supreme delight of friendship.


I Am What’s Wrong With The World

…but so is the proliferation of aschemiolatry*, which is the alienation of man from himself.  Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 8.24.29 AM

We will continue our unhurried stroll through Chesterton’s 1910 (or was it 2010?) collection of essays in June and July (& beyond).  On June 4th (7 o’clock at Smith’s), we’ll discuss essays 7, 8 & 9 of Part I, The Homelessness of Man:

7 – The Free Family

8 – The Wildness of Domesticity

9 – The History of Hudge and Gudge

*aschemiolatry:  (n.) The worship or cult of ugliness. H/T Thomas Bertonneau, who – as rumor has it – might possibly join us one of these summer evenings, in what would be our first ACS celebrity guest appearance since… well… er… hmm.

April Chestertoniana

WWWtWWhen: Thursday, April 9th

Where: Smith’s of Cohoes*

What: What’s Wrong With The World (Part I, essays 1, 2, & 3)

Who:  Chestertonians new & old (but never indifferent)

Why:  Because ideas matter, so we discuss them among friends

Next up:  In May, we will return to 1st Thursday to discuss essays 4-6


*If you haven’t finished the reading, come anyway! If you’re busy, take a few hours off to decompress with us.  If you’re shy, bring a friend (or simply be at ease listening – we have no shortage of talkers)!  If you’re bold, bring a progressive!  If you’re a parent of well-mannered children – bring them!  If you’re poor, bring a snack! (seriously, do not feel compelled to order dinner, but be assured there are some less expensive items on the menu).  But if you’re hungry, bring your appetite. 


plntgnetFebruary Gathering of the Albany Chesterton Society:

We will return to Smith’s of Cohoes on February 5th, at 7 o’clock in the evening, for a rollicking discussion of Chapters 7-12 of A Short History of England.

Deep thanks, once more, go to our dear friend Doreen and her family for hosting us on New Year’s Day. ‘Twas truly a delightful Elizabethan Tea and Lasagne, Kugel, and Chocolate Cake feast among kindred friends.

And what better (or more memorable) way to cap it off than a full-bodied chorus of God Bless America? We hope it’s the start of a new ACS tradition – if not every month, then at least every January 1st.  See you on the 5th.

Another Kindred Chestertonian Across the Sea

GK+Chesterton+Logo+4I love this emblem and banner* of the GK Chesterton Society of Ireland, a group that seems to have been started under similar auspices to our own, albeit a couple years prior, and with a far more impressive blog than our humble attempt here.  Mr. O’Ceallaigh is a prolific writer and a great ambassador to all things Chestertonian.

Here is an excellent lecture Mr. O’Ceallaigh delivered at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth in 2014, on the subject of Catholic Apologetics and Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation.

*Not only does his blog rally me to step up my game, but the Ireland group’s artwork has reminded me of an earlier daydream I’d entertained of commissioning our own heraldry (as befits any self-respecting Chesterton Society for necessary items such as flags and bumper stickers).