Almsgiving Opportunity: The American Chesterton Society

chesterton-1 copy 2Dear Chestertonians of Albany and friends from afar,

In these days of Lent, as we are called to greater prayer, sacrifice and almsgiving, perhaps you might consider making a contribution to the humble and tireless service carried out by the American Chesterton Society.

We of the Albany Chesterton Society do not charge membership dues.  We do not pester you aside from trying to keep you up-to-date on our meetings and watering holes.  We exist to facilitate friendship, fellowship, philosophy and common sense amongst fellow Chestertonians.

Delighting as we do in each other’s company over shared appreciation of G.K. Chesterton, kindly remember that efforts are always afoot to bring Chesterton to new readers, new generations, and to the public consciousness (not to mention to publish more digitally, to make his obscurer works more available, to promote Chesterton’s cause for sainthood, etc).

Consider how providential was your own discovery of this great mind and soul, Gilbert K. Chesterton!  Imagine an even wider reach of GKC’s common sense, hope and wonder spread throughout the world!  What the world needs, now more than ever, is to read Chesterton.

Any little bit helps, and is tax deductible.

Click HERE to go straight to the online donation at American Chesterton Society.  (Tell them you’re from Albany!)

March Gathering

Dear friends,

Join us this Thursday, March 6th, for our monthly gathering.  We’ll be discussing the last two chapters of The Everlasting ManThe Escape from Paganism, & The Five Deaths of the Faith.

7 o’clock in the evening

Smith’s Restaurant of Cohoes

171 Remsen Street ~

What we don’t manage get to in our March meeting, we will address in April, i.e. the conclusion (in some published editions) and a general wrap-up, giving all an opportunity to revisit the book in toto.

Hope to see you Thursday!